Book Chapter
Prakash C. (2024) Overview of impact performance of polymer composites using FEA. In: Editors: Sathish Kumar Palaniappan, Rajeshkumar Lakshminarasimhan, Sanjay M R, Suchart Siengchin (eds) Finite Element Analysis of Polymers and its Composites. (link)
Prakash C., Olokun A., Emre Gunduz I., Tomar V. (2019) Interface Mechanical Properties in Energetic Materials Using Nanoscale Impact Experiment and Nanomechanical Raman Spectroscopy. In: Bhattacharya S., Agarwal A., Rajagopalan T., Patel V. (eds) Nano-Energetic Materials. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Springer, Singapore.(link)
Verma, D., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2017, Dynamic local vs. non-local properties of material interfaces, Handbook of Nonlocal Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, Springer.(link)
Journal Publications
Prakash, C. and Ghosh, S., 2023, Self-consistent homogenization-based parametrically upscaled continuum damage mechanics model for composites subjected to high strain-rate loading, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 57 (4), pages 545-563. (link)
Prakash, C. and Ghosh, S., 2022, A self-consistent homogenization framework for dynamic mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced composites, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 166, 104222. (link)
Olokun, A. M., Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2020, The Role of Microstructure in the Impact Induced Temperature Rise in Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene (HTPB)-Cyclotetramethylene-Tetranitramine (HMX) Energetic Materials Using the Cohesive Finite Element Method, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 128 (6), 065901. (link)
Olokun, A. M., Li, B., Prakash, C., Men, Z., Dlott, Dana D., Tomar, V., 2019, Examination of Local Microscale-Microsecond Temperature Rise in HMX-HTPB Energetic Material Under Impact Loading, JOM, Vol. 71 (10), pages 3531-3535. (link)
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2019, The Effect of Interface Shock Viscosity on The High Strain Rate Induced Temperature Rise in an Energetic Material Analyzed using the Cohesive Finite Element Method, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 27 (6), 065008. (link)
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2019, Simulation-Guided Experimental Interface Shock Viscosity Measurement in an Energetic Material, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 27 (8), 085003. (link)
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., Oskay, C., and Tomar, V., 2018, Effect of interface chemistry and strain rate on particle-matrix delamination in an energetic material, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 191, pages 46-64. (link)
Verma, D., Biswas, S., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2017, Relating Interface Evolution to Interface Mechanics Based on Interface Properties, JOM: the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Vol. 69 (1), pages 30–38. (link)
Ruiz, H., Prakash, C., Tomar, V., Harr, M., Gunduz, I. E., and Oskay, C., 2017, Experimentally-validated mesoscale modelling of the coupled mechanical–thermal response of AP–HTPB energetic material under dynamic loading, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 203 (2), pages 277-298. (link)
Qu, T., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2016, Relating Interface Properties with Crack Propagation in Composite Laminates, International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Vol. 10 (6), pages 725-728. (link)
Prakash, C., Lee, H., Alucozai, M., and Tomar, V., 2016, An analysis of the influence of grain boundary strength on microstructure dependent fracture in polycrystalline tungsten, International Journal of Fracture, 2016, Volume 199 (1), pages 1-20. (link)
Conference Proceedings
​​​​Prakash, C., Olokun, A. M., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2019, Intelligent Hypervelocity Impact Mechanical Raman Spectroscopy Measurements Based on Machine Learning, AIAA SciTech Forum.
Zhang, Y., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2018, Crack Tip Stress Measurement at High Temperature in IN-617 Using Nano-indentation and Nano-mechanical Raman Spectroscopy, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 6, pages 51-56.(link)
Olokun, A., Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2018, Interface Chemistry Dependent Mechanical Properties in Energetic Material using Nano-scale Impact Experiment, Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1, pages 147-152.(link)
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2018, Uncertainty Quantification in Nano-scale Impact in Energetic Materials, Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3, pages 257-263.(link)
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2018, Interface Shock viscosity in Energetic material using Cohesive Finite Element Method, AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2018-1158).(link)
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2017, Effect of Strain Rate and Interface Chemistry on Failure in Energetic Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 7, pages 7-12.(link)
Prakash, C., Verma, D., and Tomar, V., 2017, Strain Rate Dependent Failure of Interfaces Examined via Nanoimpact Experiments, Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Volume 2, pages 93-102.(link)
Verma, D., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2016, Interface Mechanics and its Correlation with Plasticity in Polycrystalline Metals, Polymer Composites, and Natural Materials, 11th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, Implast 2016, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India .(link)
Conference Presentations
Prakash, C., 2025, Microstructure-informed Constitutive Model Development for Shock Response of Composite Materials, 8th National Finite Element Developers' / FEAST Users' Meet (NAFED 08), February 01, IIT Hyderabad, India (Invited).
Jayaprakash, P., and Prakash, C., 2024, A Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) Model for Composite Structures under High-velocity Impact with Unilateral Effect, International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Devices (AFMD), February 26 - 29, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, India (Invited).
Prakash, C., 2022, Effect of Fiber Distribution on the Shock Response of Composite Material, 4th Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition (SICE), December 14 - 16, IIT Hyderabad, India (Invited).
Prakash, C., and Ghosh, S., 2022, A Concurrent Model Framework for Self-consistent Homogenization based Parametrically Upscaled Continuum Damage Mechanics (PUCDM) Model for High Strain-Rate Response of Composites, The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2022 (EMI 2022) May 31- June 03, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Prakash, C., and Ghosh, S., 2021, Developing a Macroscale Constitutive Model for Dynamic Behavior of Composites, The 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, November 7-11, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Prakash, C., and Ghosh, S., 2021, Self-consistent Homogenization based Constitutive Model of Composites for High Strain-Rate Deformation with Stress Waves, 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 25-29, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Prakash, C., and Ghosh, S., 2021, Parametrically Homogenized Continuum Damage Mechanics (PHCDM) Model for High Strain-Rate Response of Composites, Mach Conference, April 7-9, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Olokun, A. M., Prakash, C., Gunduz, I., and Tomar, V., 2021, The Role of Microstructure in the Impact Induced Temperature Rise in HTPB-HMX Based Energetic Materials Using the Cohesive Finite Element Method, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 15–19.
Dhiman, A., Rai, A., Wang, H., Prakash, C., Tomar, V., 2020, Dynamic Stress Evaluation due to Hypervelocity Impact using Time Gated Raman Spectroscopy, DYMAT 2020.
Olokun, A. M., Li, B., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2019, Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling, JOM.
Dhiman, A., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2019, Machine Learning Approach For Parameter Identification And Uncertainty Quantification In The Modeling Of Impact Behavior Of Ceramic/Epoxy Composites, IMAC-XXXVII Conference & Exposition, Orlando, FL, January 28-31.
Olokun, A. M., Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2018, Impact Induced Behavior of HTPB/HMX Based Energetic Materials using Cohesive Finite Element Method, ASME's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Pittsburgh, PA, November 9-15.
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2018, Effect of Interface Chemistry and Interface Thickness on shock behavior in Energetic Material using Cohesive Finite Element Method, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New York City, July 22-27.
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2018, Effect of Interface Thickness on Impact Induced Delamination Failure in Energetic Material using Cohesive Finite Element Method, 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, Illinois, June 4-9.
Prakash, C., Zhang, X., Olokun, A. M., Gunduz, I. E., Oskay, C., and Tomar, V., 2018, Experimental and Computational Investigations of Interface Chemistry Dependence and Parameter Sensitivity of Dynamic Response and Fracture in Energetic Materials, Energetic Materials Gordon Research Conference, June 03-June 08, Newry ME, USA.
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2017, Interface Chemistry and strain rate effect on fracture in energetic material interfaces, BSSM 12th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2017, Interface Chemistry and Strain Rate Effect on Fracture in Energetic Material Interfaces, MS&T17, Pittsburbh, Pennsylvania, USA (Invited).
Zhang, Y., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2017, “In-situ Crack Tip Stress Measurement at High Temperature in IN-617 Using Combined Nano-indentation and Nano-mechanical Raman Spectroscopy”, 2017 SEM Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 12-15, Indianapolis, IN.
Verma, D., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2016, “Interface Mechanical Strength and Elastic Constants Calculations via Nano Impact and Nanomechanical Raman Spectroscopy” ”, 2017 SEM Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 12-15, Indianapolis, IN, paper no. 13.
Biswas, S., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2016, Microstructure Evolution and Deformation Behavior of Powder Materials during Field Assisted Sintering Technique, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2016) in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (Invited)
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2016, Effect of Interface Chemistry on Failure of Energetic Material Examined via Nano-Mechanical Raman Spectroscopy and Cohesive Finite Element Method, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2016) in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Verma, D., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2016, Strain Rate Dependent Failure Of Interfaces In Glass/Epoxy And Energetic Materials At Nano-Microscale, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2016) in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Verma, D., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2015, “Interface impact experiments and derivation of rate-dependent cohesive separation laws”, in Proceedings of ICCM20, July 19-24, Copenhagen, Denmark (Invited).