Microstructure Informatics-based Structural Design
The spatial hierarchy of microstructure is a defining characteristic of composites and alloys, leading to a wide range of material properties that impact the performance of aircraft/space/nuclear structures under extreme environments. The design and development of such structures require a combination of experiments, computational modeling, and data-driven analysis that incorporates physics & microstructure-based information at multiple lengths and time scales.
We aim to develop novel design frameworks based on real-time experimental thermo-mechanical measurements to optimize and configure the microstructure and process parameters. We use the advanced characterization and predictive capabilities developed in the lab and collaborations with other researchers to understand and engineer the structure and properties of materials for enhanced performance and multifunctional applications.
The long-term goals of this proposed project are:
Formulate Physics and microstructure-informed design methodologies
Develop Experimentally Validated Structural Design Framework
Design high-performance structures and materials for extreme environment

Prakash, C. and Ghosh, S., 2022, A self-consistent homogenization framework for dynamic mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced composites, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 166, 104222. (link)
Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2019, The Effect of Interface Shock Viscosity on The High Strain Rate Induced Temperature Rise in an Energetic Material Analyzed using the Cohesive Finite Element Method, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 27 (6), 065008. (link)
Verma, D., Biswas, S., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2017, Relating Interface Evolution to Interface Mechanics Based on Interface Properties, JOM: the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Vol. 69 (1), pages 30–38. (link)
Ruiz, H., Prakash, C., Tomar, V., Harr, M., Gunduz, I. E., and Oskay, C., 2017, Experimentally-validated mesoscale modelling of the coupled mechanical–thermal response of AP–HTPB energetic material under dynamic loading, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 203 (2), pages 277-298. (link)
Qu, T., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2016, Relating Interface Properties with Crack Propagation in Composite Laminates, International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Vol. 10 (6), pages 725-728. (link)
​Verma, D., Prakash, C., and Tomar, V., 2016, Interface Mechanics and its Correlation with Plasticity in Polycrystalline Metals, Polymer Composites, and Natural Materials, 11th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, Implast 2016, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India .(link)